Welcome back to Let's Play! The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons Part X! This episode is incredibly short. Like, really short. I mean so short, you'll probably miss it on the page. That's why I'm going into incredible detail!

We travelled all the way across this mighty land to pay a visit to the child who was sickly before. We wish to see if the amount of Rupees was sufficient enough to keep the little one alive and healthy and happy. The mother says that the child will not fall asleep no matter what she does and wants to know if she should sing to him, or play with him. I believe she should sing, because it could spark the creative spirit in the child and perhaps he'll be a world class artist! Yes, Link and I both agree, whole-heartedly, that this is the course that should be taken.

Wonderful! What a splendid choice! We very much doubt that you will be displeased with the outcome. When this tyke brings art that lifts your very spirit up, you will know that you have made the correct choice. The child deserves, nay, demands to hear it's mother's singing voice. You are giving to it something that playing would not, and that is culture. Society thanks you for your choice!

Now we have decided to visit the cold, bitter ocean that we visited long ago in search of the Wooden Sword. Link seems to look oddly at home looking at the sea, as if another part of him lived it's life there. He also seems to look strangely at the torch before us. It is currently, barren, without the warming glow of fire. Perhaps this is the answer for a light house? While it would not be powerful enough for most ships, a small craft could see it. It is possible to see an odd look in Link's face. Perhaps that of deja vu? Regardless, he decides that he must light the lantern, of only to give hope to someone who may be adrift at sea.

Much to our surprise, lighting the torch created a bridge to the small island in the distance. We wonder what could be awaiting us on the island. When we arrive, we find an odd stone and a sign. It reads: "The Black Beast rests here." What could that mean? Perhaps the last struggle of a long forgotten war was involved with this island? Could an ancient evil be trapped within the odd stone formation?

We have decided to find out. Link is readying his Mystery Seeds to find out the history of this strange stone. We wonder if what we are doing is a good idea, but quickly remind ourselves that Link is mighty, and therefore need not worry about anything. He shoots the seed.

The seed struck true. At first, nothing happens. We ponder if anything will actually happen. Suddenly, the stone structure starts to morph into an unknown form. We gaze in horror as it takes life.

Its transformation is complete. It has shifted into the form of a Moldorm, a strange creature from the depths of the planet. Link and I are familiar with these creatures, and their giant variants back in Hyrule. This beast must be destroyed for the safety of the people of Holodrum. We strike clean and true and vanquish the horrid creature. It will know longer be trapped in the physical plane. It leaves behind a strange item.

It was a jewel shaped like the letter X. We have no idea what these jewels are for, if indeed they are truly for anything, but we feel that there is a missing brother to these three. We must locate this missing brother. I feel it shall become rather important.

We have made our way to this small section of Eyeglass Lake. In this area, we have found a stump, upon which, we will turn the season.

The seasonal change is complete and the Fifth Essence is near. We shall explore the Unicorn's Cave in Part XI of Let's Play! The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons. Farewell friends, and stay tuned for our continued adventures with Link.