We're back to Part VI of Let's Play! The Legend of Zelda Oracle of Seasons! We decided to go back to town to check on the kid we named.

Ehhh, I suppose. You get 10 Rupees and that's it.

Now, we head north with Link's new lifting powers. Look at that muscle!

It's Spring here! The Peahats look more like real flowers now.

We saw a building and went inside. We found this muscle-head.

I guess. We'll take those gloves! *Fight commences and Link kicks his ass* And take those gloves we certainly did! That was fun, huh, Link? Oh wait, I think we need to head back to Malon and give her that Cuccodex we found.

Yup. Say, maybe you could give us an egg for it?

Thanks! What's that, Link? You want to go find that witch and mug her again? Well, alright!

Ouch! Hey, our egg fell out!

Y-yes. I'm not that girly looking am I?

She took our egg and left us this ugly doll. I...I think she just made fun of me.

After crying for a little while, we headed back in the direction we went earlier.

*Gasp!* A talking kangaroo! Your name is Ricky? Aww, how cute!

These are yours? You can have them back. We beat up a guy earlier for them.

He's letting us ride him! It's like a dream come true!

Woah! You can jump really high, Ricky!

Ricky left us here because he has to go training. Bye, Ricky!

Pegasus seeds! Now we can run all over the place with our ENERGY LEGS.

I do love how we barge into homes without knocking. Then again, everyone leaves their doors open so...


When we see stairs leading down into the ground without any knowledge of where we're going, we MUST take them.

That was quite an experience. I must say Link, you do know your way around the limbo pole. *wink-wink*


The wandering prophet told us what we already knew. Let's explore this swamp!

What's a Dodongo doing out here? Let it go, pigs.

Alright. We're rich enough anyway, even though we could have just killed you.

I'm Kholdstare and this is Link. Pleased to meet you.

Sweet! We shall gobble up all who oppose us!

See ya later, Dimitri!

It's another portal! Let's dive in!

They even have beaches here! We decided to dig for a star-shaped ore.

...And we found it! Let's go see what we can get for this.

...A ribbon. We got a ribbon. Let's get the Heart Piece too.

This? We got this piece of junk at the pawn shop. Do you want it?

You're welcome, I guess.

Um, okay. That's an odd place to want to go to thank me.

Looks like the temple was a good idea afterall! We command the heat of summer now! We are a couple of steps away from being gods! We'll use this power to go to the Poison Moth's Lair on Part VII of Let's Play! The Legend of Zelda Oracle of Seasons! Stay tuned for next time!
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