We're back to Let's Play! The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons Part V! After leaving Hell, we're back to the forest!
That's right! We are gods among men now! Bow before us, little man!

Now quake with fear, you tiny fools!

Really Link? You have full command over winter and you use it to be able to climb into someone's chimney? Whatever, I guess.

Er, what does Santa have to do with anyt...oh wait, the chimney. Ha?

That girl gave us a shovel and told us to leave and shovel her yard. The arrow ghost also stayed behind for some reason. Good riddance, I say. We...might have gone a little over-board. Hey, that's the dungeon to the left!

There it is! Let's kill!

Snake's...Remains? Does that mean we're inside of a dead snake?

Link cherishes any chance to light something/one on fire.

We enter through the left door to be greeting by a couple of traps. I guess the owner is really friendly, huh?

Oh look Link, snakes. Kill them and get the small key!

Now, we backtrack to the first room and head up into this room. After that, we head right into the next room.

After solving that insultingly easy puzzle, we get the compass for this dungeon!

Now we leave to the previous room, head up, and see the big arrow pointing at the west wall. Gee, I wonder what that could mean? That's right! Blow the hell out of it!

Jackpot! After stealing all of these poorly hidden Rupees, we head back to the previous room and use the key on the door.

To kill these things, we have to push them into one of these pits. Convenient placement, eh?

These pig warriors thought they were safe because Link couldn't jump. They thought wrong.

Sweet! Now you can pick up and move stuff! Now, let's head back to the previous room and go open that treasure chest.

We have the map for this dungeon now. Finding our way around won't be as hard now. We're heading down, then right.

Show that block you mean business! Now we head right.

Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap. Quick, get the key from that chest and haul ass to the eastern room!

Those blocks are just begging to be exploded. After doing that, let's head down the stairs!

Hey, you got your Mario in my Zelda game! What am I talking about, Link? Er, never mind.

Link! Use your bracelet and mighty-man-arms to push these things!

Before entering the next room, we should get our bombs out and be ready. I have a feeling we'll need them.

It's a face! Let's throw bombs at it! In his face I mean.

After exploding him, we must head east!

Now we open up this, uh, block, head right, then down.

Yay! Moving platforms! We've gotta go across and up.

Sweet! The boss key! Now we're going to jump down and head left twice.

This one wasn't as obvious, but we found it all the same.

Aww, bunnies! Wait, what are you doing, Link? Put those bombs aw...Never mind. Head right. Meanie.

Wee! A spinny-wheely-thingy!

It's the boss door! Get ready, Link!

It's a Dodongo! Throw a bomb in it's mouth when it opens!

Then, we pick him up like so...

And toss him into the bed of spikes! After a few times, he explodes!

Now, Link can be smacked around a little more!

We got the Gift of Time, the second of the eight essences! We'll look for more in Part VI of Let's Play! The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons! Stay tuned for next time!
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