Welcome back to Let's Play! The Legend of Zelda: Oracle Seasons Part VIII! Today, Link and I are going to do several things all around Holodrum, including getting the Dragon Key and finding the Dancing Dragon Dungeon.

We found a lady who wanted our evil looking doll. Good riddance to it, I say. In turn, she gave us a pot. Say, Link, where do you carry all of your stuff anyway? On second though, I don't want to know.

Take this old lady!

Here in Hell, we found a guy who wanted to make soup for us. Nice guy.

Gee, I hope this won't have any repercussions later.

Now, to head toward the Sunken City. I didn't know Dodongos could even swim. Awesome.

Hey, I wonder what's over he...back, away...o_o;

Sorry, Mr. Moblin, we don't have time to talk to you!

Ah, the Sunken City. I wonder if it's always like this, or if the weather caused it.

*Gasp* Gale Seeds! We can now teleport! Sweet!

Master diver, huh? Go get your plaque? Alright, I guess.

Who'd keep a plaque in a chest?

Now we can swim! No longer will water make us fearful!

Good thing they have curbside Dodongo parking here.

Let us enter the mighty fortress of the Mighty Moblin King.

...Pig warriors? That's all he's got? Weak.

Er, no? O.o

Stand up to you? We've come to rob you!

So, turning you gray-scale doesn't work?

Hey, I wonder what happens if we throw our bombs back into that pile?

Oooooh. That's what happens.

Shibby! A piece of heart!

Back at Eyeglass lake...

Back in Hell! Screw the negative press. This place is better than the crappy surface.

Oh this? We found it...somewhere. You can have it.

Something tells me I should stand back.

We control Autumn now! One more season to go!

Back at the Sunken City, we decided to dive into the water. Look what we found.

These vines are really strong, huh?

At the top of the mountain, we can see another portal to Hell. Let's go!

Hey wait! Where are you going with our feather?

I...I think we were just robbed.

You didn't notice that they were carrying something that obviously didn't belong to them? Way to go.

I love how their text boxes keep them from seeing us.

Yup. No one sees you alright.

Running is a perfect plan! Because if you don't, we're going to skewer you! n_n

You guys aren't very bright, are you? You just picked the most obvious place to bury that.

Well, now that we have that in order, we went further south and found this house.

Skeleton pirates! This is all kinds of awesome!

Well, we found our way into cave. Look! Lava!

Ah, so this is how we get to the Spring part of the temple!

We now have complete control of all the seasons! Fear us!

We went back to finally get this piece of heart.

Now, we're going to go get something we missed earlier.

Through the now dead tree.

Ah-ha! A...square jewel. What the hell does this do?

Back on the mountain, we found a bear. With wings. I don't think there's any more frightening imagery than that.

Now we're bananas for the thing. Great.

It better be great. We had to climb a mountain for it!

Oh, what can you do?

Look at all those holes! We'll never make it across!

Um, remind me how those wings can support your weight?

Let's enter this cave here.

A goron! We love gorons!

Aww, he's upgrading our ring box. How sweet. <3

A new cave! Let's enter it!

There seems to be a Goron Mountain everywhere these days. Not that I'm complaining or anything.

Hey it's a Big Goron! Aw, it sucks that you have a cold. Oh wait, here! Take this Lava Soup!

No need to thank us...what've you got?

A Goron Vase? Well, I suppose it'll do. We know someone back in the Sunken City that wants this.

Yup, this is a Goron Vase. It's precious and worth more than you can imagine.

What are you, crazy? This was a gift! You'll have to give us something awesome for it!

Fish! Done deal!

It's my fish, back off.

What? H-he just stole that from me!

What are we going to do with a megaphone?

Hmm another cave.

Look! It's Talon! He's sleeping on his fat ass yet again.

Wake up damn it!

How is that even possible?

A mushroom?

Ooh! Ring!

A Heart Piece too! Score!

Yeah. You want it?

Uh thanks?

Everybody seems to want weird stuff.

What are we supposed to use that for?

Oh, okay. That makes sense, I guess.

Well, this is where the dungeon is supposed to be. Let's dive!

Glug glug

A Pyramid Jewel! That does it for this installment of Let's Play! The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons! Stay tuned for part IX, when we'll explore the Dancing Dragon Dungeon!
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