Sunday, December 6, 2009
Jesus Christ, what the hell happened to the past months?
O_o Damn. Time has gone by so quickly. In that span of time, I've been playing a bunch of games, and I'm starting to get bored of a lot of them. I played Morrowind for a long-ass time, but I ended up getting bored and wishing I had a better video card so I could run MGE on it. Then I think, wait, if I had a better video card, I could play more games too! That just depresses me, because the only thing I can play newer games on is the 360, and, well, that's no substitute for the PC. I played KOTOR for a very short time. Yawn. I picked Baldur's Gate II back up while I was still at home. I intend to beat it with the party I've got when I get back home, but I'm not gonna do that until someone decides to pay the internet bill. <3 Imoen. I played Mass Effect for a little while, but then decided that I would wait for my younger brother to beat it first. I'm now playing TWEWY again, and Neku and Joshua are getting super strong. It won't be much longer before they have maxed base defense. After that, it's HP. e_e I WILL beat the optional boss on a mode higher than Easy! Finally beat the stupid mammoth on Ultimate. Updates will be sporadic in the future, like always, not that anyone reads this blog anyway. Oh well, til next time.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Cliffracers and Tonberries
Because I'll have to assume that the plural of Tonberry is like the plural of berry. So, yeah, I'm playing Morrowind again. I love this game so much. Honestly, I think it's like my second favorite game ever. It'll never beat BG, but damn it, they're both special to me. I also started a file on Dissidia. Getting used to the controls is kind of a bitch, but it's steadily coming along. I hate that Cloud is his emo KH/AC self. This is especially jarring considering how everyone else is in character. Steve Burton is a large contribution to this. He could try to be a little more emotional, I mean, he is a soap ope-, wait, nevermind, I figured it out. Anyways, it's still a fun game. I like playing as Cecil. I'll be starting Squall soon. I love me some Squall. Oh, I suppose I should give the skinny on my Morrowind character. He's a Dunmer Adventurer. I didn't specialize him in any certain area, because I want him to be a Swiss Army Knife of awesome like Indiana Jones. Sadly, I forgot to make him a decent blocker in character generation, so that's sorta sucky, but he can learn to cope. My, do mods never cease to amaze me. I can't wait to pick up Julan when I can think up a RP way to go get him. Til later, guys!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Back to Vvardenfell.
So, I'm gonna play Morrowind again soon. I'm wondering whether or not I should re-install. I do enjoy having a clean start, but I hate having to spend hours re-installing my mods. I also enjoy downloading them. I know that I'm going to go with a lot of the mods that are typically recommended, but as I haven't played in like six months, can anyone recommend me new mods?
Sunday, September 27, 2009
The World Ends With Me
Man, was that ending awesome. Wow. Words cannot explain how much I enjoyed this game. It has to be one of my favorite handheld games of all time. I'm glad I finally decided to beat it. Another Day was hilarious. It's like Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged almost. Now, I'm saying things like "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally"and "FOIL! FIRST, OUTER, INNER, LAST!" randomly. Damn you, awesome game. e_e Damn you.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Of Horrible Doctors and the Rising Dead
My, were the Emmys grand tonight. NPH did the best job as a host that I've ever seen before (note: I'm a raging NPH fanboy). He was amazing, but the most amazing part of the night was Dr. Horrible's hacking of the transmission! Television is dead! Long live the internet! Captain Hammer seems a little less like he wants to destroy Dr. Horrible. Perhaps he was taken in by the spectacle of the good doctor's lair? I shall have to assume so.
In other news, I beat Dead Rising earlier tonight. Good ending, I think. I'm going to go for the Zombie Genocide Achievement thingy later. I want that Mega Buster! The final boss was a pain in the ass. Yay for cheap tactics!
I also beat the Elite Four in Pokemon Platinum and will probably stop playing that for awhile in favor of driving the maintenance tunnels for awhile in the mall. Also, I'll probably attempt to get further in TWEWY. I'm in my second week so far, and Joshua is soooo cute. I can't wait to see what happens next! Til later guys!
In other news, I beat Dead Rising earlier tonight. Good ending, I think. I'm going to go for the Zombie Genocide Achievement thingy later. I want that Mega Buster! The final boss was a pain in the ass. Yay for cheap tactics!
I also beat the Elite Four in Pokemon Platinum and will probably stop playing that for awhile in favor of driving the maintenance tunnels for awhile in the mall. Also, I'll probably attempt to get further in TWEWY. I'm in my second week so far, and Joshua is soooo cute. I can't wait to see what happens next! Til later guys!
Dead Rising,
Dr. Horrible,
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Wow, has it been that long?
I accidentally deleted all of my screenshots for Oracle of Seasons. Obviously, this means that I cannot continue my LP. I can't say I'm really disappointed. I didn't really enjoy doing it anyway. The one LP I've ever really wanted to do was for Morrowind. I will do that someday, whenever I escape from this place. My attempt will succeed too, damn it. For now, I think I'll merely comment on what I'm playing and movies I've seen recently. Maybe I'll give a minor review. Iunno. Right now, I'm playing Pokemon Platinum. I already had Pearl, but I saw Platinum for $20 the other day and had to pick it up. It's much better than Pearl. I'm about to enter Victory Road. Time for me to kick some trainer ass!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Agh, Lack of Updates.
I'm sorry for not updating in a while. I'm not sure if I want to continue my Zelda LP. I really should have just went with videos. It is NOT as easy as other games to make an image-LP of. Games that work well are games like The Sims. So, yeah, it probably won't end up happening. :( I'm sorry to all one of you that actually read this anyway. I will be posting, but it'll be random blogs until I get my Morrowind back so I can do a real LP of that via image. It seems like the type of game that I can make numerous small updates about without taxing myself. Til later, guys.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Let's Play! The Legend of Zelda Oracle of Seasons Hiatus
Ah, yes. That LP I started. It's on hiatus for the moment. I need to figure out a way to post it a lot easier. I really should have made it in video form. Not that anyone is actually reading it anyway.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Let's Play! The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons Part X
Welcome back to Let's Play! The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons Part X! This episode is incredibly short. Like, really short. I mean so short, you'll probably miss it on the page. That's why I'm going into incredible detail!

We travelled all the way across this mighty land to pay a visit to the child who was sickly before. We wish to see if the amount of Rupees was sufficient enough to keep the little one alive and healthy and happy. The mother says that the child will not fall asleep no matter what she does and wants to know if she should sing to him, or play with him. I believe she should sing, because it could spark the creative spirit in the child and perhaps he'll be a world class artist! Yes, Link and I both agree, whole-heartedly, that this is the course that should be taken.

Wonderful! What a splendid choice! We very much doubt that you will be displeased with the outcome. When this tyke brings art that lifts your very spirit up, you will know that you have made the correct choice. The child deserves, nay, demands to hear it's mother's singing voice. You are giving to it something that playing would not, and that is culture. Society thanks you for your choice!

Now we have decided to visit the cold, bitter ocean that we visited long ago in search of the Wooden Sword. Link seems to look oddly at home looking at the sea, as if another part of him lived it's life there. He also seems to look strangely at the torch before us. It is currently, barren, without the warming glow of fire. Perhaps this is the answer for a light house? While it would not be powerful enough for most ships, a small craft could see it. It is possible to see an odd look in Link's face. Perhaps that of deja vu? Regardless, he decides that he must light the lantern, of only to give hope to someone who may be adrift at sea.

Much to our surprise, lighting the torch created a bridge to the small island in the distance. We wonder what could be awaiting us on the island. When we arrive, we find an odd stone and a sign. It reads: "The Black Beast rests here." What could that mean? Perhaps the last struggle of a long forgotten war was involved with this island? Could an ancient evil be trapped within the odd stone formation?

We have decided to find out. Link is readying his Mystery Seeds to find out the history of this strange stone. We wonder if what we are doing is a good idea, but quickly remind ourselves that Link is mighty, and therefore need not worry about anything. He shoots the seed.

The seed struck true. At first, nothing happens. We ponder if anything will actually happen. Suddenly, the stone structure starts to morph into an unknown form. We gaze in horror as it takes life.

Its transformation is complete. It has shifted into the form of a Moldorm, a strange creature from the depths of the planet. Link and I are familiar with these creatures, and their giant variants back in Hyrule. This beast must be destroyed for the safety of the people of Holodrum. We strike clean and true and vanquish the horrid creature. It will know longer be trapped in the physical plane. It leaves behind a strange item.

It was a jewel shaped like the letter X. We have no idea what these jewels are for, if indeed they are truly for anything, but we feel that there is a missing brother to these three. We must locate this missing brother. I feel it shall become rather important.

We have made our way to this small section of Eyeglass Lake. In this area, we have found a stump, upon which, we will turn the season.

The seasonal change is complete and the Fifth Essence is near. We shall explore the Unicorn's Cave in Part XI of Let's Play! The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons. Farewell friends, and stay tuned for our continued adventures with Link.
Let's Play! The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons Part IX

Welcome back to Let's Play! The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons Part IX! We're now going to look for the keyhole to the Dancing Dragon Dungeon! We have changed the season to winter.

And this is why. Odd how that area fills up with snow. Then. we enter a cave.

After exiting, we find a blue cucco.


Ah, here we are!

Now we have the entrance!

The Dancing Dragon Dungeon! Looks like we'll put those flippers to use here. Let's head up.

More bombs! Take a wild guess as to what that could mean...Anyway, let's jump on the mine cart!

Now we have to bomb this crack in the wall, as always.

Ah, a switch puzzle!

Well, first we remove the middle top and bottom pots.

Then we can spread these out evenly like so!

Finally, we stand on this switch and a Small Key falls down! Now let's get back on the mine cart.

Hit the switch, Link!

Next we push this blue statue on top on this switch, here. Now we go up.

These blocks don't know that they're dealing with a pro!

Oh crap. Black Mag...Wizrobes. Run away quickly!

We now have the Dungeon Map! Link and I have a GPS though, so they don't do much good.

Now we head down these stairs.

Another sidescrolling area.

Oh Capcom. You and your cameo tricks.

Now Mega...Link, climb that ladder!

Inside this room we found another Small Key! Excellent...

Now we're back all the way in the first room and going into the eastern door this time.

In this room, we obviously bomb the wall to the right.

Yay! Compass!

Now we head back into the last room and go north.

Never minding how these rollers actually work, we dive under them in order to keep us from harm.

In this room we ride the mine cart.

Hiding keys underwater? Not that bad of an idea, really. Hop back in the cart, Link.

Yet another locked block. How do those even work?!

That looks comfortable, Link.

Oh, a two tiled hole. Child's play. Equip the Roc's Feather and the, uh, Seeds of...Speediness, jump over the holes, and head down the stairs.

Yet more blocks to push.

You'd have to be an idiot not to figure this out, really. Hop in the minecart.

Look! Things that'll involve using the treasure of this dungeon!

Sweet! Small Key! Now we shall go down into the next room.

Disembodied voice!

It's Agahnim! You look quite a bit different from last time, dude.

This can't end well.

Ha, for him anyway. Now we go down.

Jump in the rollercoaster, Link!

Heading into the next room, we find a locked door. Open it!

This doesn't look dangerous at all. We push the statue on the switch and high-tail it up the stairs.

Slingshot! We now have a ranged item that doesn't suck!

Now we take a ride on the mine cart again, making sure to hit both switches on our way with our trusty slingshot.

Now we head up and right.

Link has to use his super special awesome jumping powers to get to the room above!

In this room, we dove and found the Boss Key! Now we head back waaaaaaay to the beginning again.

We go back to this room and use the minecart to go up.

We have to do a drive-by on these torches with our Ember Seeds and head down again.

Oh look what we located. Now we head back to the room below where we fought Agahnim.

Obviously, we should hit this switch.

Weee! Another ride!

Some welcoming crew. Yikes. After owning these guys, we head up.

Open the locked block and head downstairs..

We lit the torches on the sides to open this bridge up to us.

Going right, then up, lands us in a moving platform room. We ride over to the boss door.

Oh wow. It's Gohma. Is this the best they can do?

We ripped off her claw and ate it. Delicious.

Ahhh! Parasites!

Gohma couldn't handle much more and decided to explode all over the place.

A new heart! We're becoming invincible!

We got the Soothing Rain, which means we have half of the essences now! We will search for the Nurturing Warmth Essence in the upcoming Parts X and XI. Stay tuned for the next part of Let's Play! The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons!
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