Monday, July 6, 2009

Let's Play! The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons Part IV

And we're back to Let's Play! The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons Part IV! After getting those Ember Seeds, Link became quite the pyromaniac. He burned down several homes, killed many creatures, and burned a few trees. Under one of those trees, he found an old man, who quickly forked over all of his cash after seeing Link brandishing fire in his face.

Link, leave the poor old man alone. He's broke anyway.

After some more burning, we found another old man. This one was a little creepy. We need an adult!

You see kids, the lesson here is that you should always play with fire. You might increase your lifespan!

Oh wow, Link did something NICE for a change.

Um, okay? That might be useful, I guess. Who do we know that deals with cuccos?

This lady asked us to name her kid. Bad idea.

A wandering prophet? That's an odd career choice. Spiffy sunglasses though, dude.

Like always, as soon as Link is told that he is the Chosen One, everybody else thinks they can go to sleep and let him do all the work. Bastards.

Now we're off into the woods! Hey Link, I bet you're so hungry that you could eat one of those...Yeah, that was pretty horrible, I admit. *SHAME*

Hey, it's the Windmill Man! I guess a lot of people are on vacation from Hyrule or something.

Ugh, Peahats. I hate those.

Who is this lady? What's this about a temple?

It's the area of the head that I'm going to hit you in if you don't tell us what's going on.

A secret place, huh? Is that where the Bilderberg Group is holding their meeting this year?

Yeah, wouldn't want anyone spoiling your world domination plans, huh?

You know what that means? Stalking time!

She has no idea we're watching her...

Oh come on! We're right here!

Well, what are you waiting for, Link? Jump in the portal!

Are we in Hell?
Tell me about it. What's with the hat anyway, Link? These guys are pretty nice, for demons.

The lake of fire must actually be a hot tub for demons. Neat.

This place doesn't seem so bad, really. They must have really awful advertising.

Dancing too!? This place is awesome! Damn right, we'll dance!

Link, show them your moves!

Sweet! Your dancing skills are legendary! You got a boomerang for it too!

Hey, another legendary dancer! Show him your boomerang, Link! Say, what's that off to the east? It looks like a temple of some sorts...

Ah here we are. This must be the Temple of Seasons.

Awesome! We found a stick!
This is the only Seasonal Door we can enter at the moment, so let's head on in.

We now have dominion over winter! We'll go use this to find the next dungeon in Part V of Let's Play! The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons! Stay tuned for next time!

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