Monday, September 21, 2009

Of Horrible Doctors and the Rising Dead

My, were the Emmys grand tonight. NPH did the best job as a host that I've ever seen before (note: I'm a raging NPH fanboy). He was amazing, but the most amazing part of the night was Dr. Horrible's hacking of the transmission! Television is dead! Long live the internet! Captain Hammer seems a little less like he wants to destroy Dr. Horrible. Perhaps he was taken in by the spectacle of the good doctor's lair? I shall have to assume so.

In other news, I beat Dead Rising earlier tonight. Good ending, I think. I'm going to go for the Zombie Genocide Achievement thingy later. I want that Mega Buster! The final boss was a pain in the ass. Yay for cheap tactics!

I also beat the Elite Four in Pokemon Platinum and will probably stop playing that for awhile in favor of driving the maintenance tunnels for awhile in the mall. Also, I'll probably attempt to get further in TWEWY. I'm in my second week so far, and Joshua is soooo cute. I can't wait to see what happens next! Til later guys!

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